Wednesday, September 22, 2010

World of Dance= Jealousy

In anticipation for the World of Dance performance, I was anxious, excited, and happy to be going! However, as the performance began, those feelings slowly began to change. I started to feel a new feeling: wonder mixed with a strong undertone of jealousy... Why are they so good and I'm so bad? Obviously, it's because they've dedicated their whole lives to the arts, and I've dedicated my whole life to, well, other things. But still! I've always admired dancers and I wished I had the same talents that these performers did.

If it's not yet obvious, I was very impressed with the performances in World of Dance. All the numbers were extremely professional. This included not only the dancing itself, but the costumes, lighting, dancing, and special effects. It was so impressive! I also loved the fact that these were all my fellow peers. It made the show more meaningful.

In the performance of “High on the Mountain Top” by the Ballroom Dance Company, there were many different aspects that were worth analyzing. First of all, the performers knew that they’d be able to appeal to the senses of the audience because most everyone was LDS. By dancing to “High on the Mountain Top,” I felt the Spirit in their actions! I even heard one girl say that it brought her to tears, so I know it wasn’t just me. The costumes also added to the performance because they were bright and appealed to the senses, yet flowed with every movement across the stage. It was a wonderful balance! I also loved that there was fog on the stage and a beautiful mountain background behind the dancers. It was an overall beautiful and inspiring performance!

Although I know I’ll never be a professional dancer like these wonderful BYU performers, I can still appreciate the arts and talents of other people. I guess I just need to suppress my jealousy and accept that I have some great talents too. Those talents just don’t include anything with dance! Overall, though, I really enjoyed World of Dance and was sad to see it end.


  1. Story of my life... I wish I could dance too! I like how you close by saying that although you won't be a professionaly dancer, you still have the ability to appreciate the talents of others. That's a good mentality.

  2. I loved the "High on the Mountain Top" performance too! I liked how you mentioned the spiritual aspect in addition to other techniques that were used to enhance the performance. Also, I was totally jealous too!

  3. I liked how you analyzed both the physical appeals they used (costume, lighting, background) and the emotional appeals (music choice). This was one of my favorites, too!

  4. I love how we can feel the spirit in so many different settings! I love how BYU can incorporate the gospel into every aspect of our lives!

  5. I liked your connection to religion, good job!
