Wednesday, September 15, 2010


When I sat down in the International Cinema late Thursday night to watch "Il Postino", about to view a movie in which not a word of English is spoken, I was not excited to say the least. However, as I began watching, listening, and reading the subtitles of this film I realized how much fun it was to watch. The film, all of which is in Italian with some Spanish, is poetic, colorful, and humorous. It leaves you feeling something for the people of this small Italian isle - some of the most humble people on earth. With this combination of elements present, "Il Postino" has quickly become one of my very favorites.

Italy - with its lush landscape, delicious food, and vast history - is a land of beauty. However, one thing that is most beautiful about this land is the language. Just listening to Mario, the postman (not the gaming character), talk about his country or woman or poetry is such a euphonious experience. I was so enthralled I almost order Rosetta Stone for Italian that very night. Not only is the poetry beautiful, but it also typifies excellent poetry. The poetry is moving and shows truly how much of a difference words can make in the lives of a people. Italy has been known for its poetry for ages, and "Il Postino" does a marvelous job at capturing that heritage.

Another beautiful aspect with this movie is the use of color. In the beginning of the film, when things are looking very dark on the island, the colors schemes are bland, almost gray. However, the more the postman learns and uses poetry, the more color is used and the more beauty is found on the island. Also, in the climatic scene towards the end, the entire shot is filmed in black and white, giving the scene an almost dreamlike feel. This contrast adds power and vitality to the movie.

The last aspect I pulled out of the film that made me happy afterwords was the humor. It wasn't SNL funny, or even "lol" funny, as the youngsters say, but it was more of a dry humor. It is like having a fun, humorous conversation with an old friend. The characters, with their simple, but pure minds, add a humor that is fantastic. I love to see a movie which I can laugh and not feel guilty about it. That is the definition of this movie.

Clearly, "Il Postino" exceeded my expectations. It was full of sultry poetry and language, color and contrast, as well as very tactful humor. I would suggest this to anyone who loves a great work and wants to hear and see something of true beauty.


  1. Wow, now I wish I had seen that instead. Great and informative article!

  2. This movie sounds amazing, your description was so detailed and interesting. If it's playing again this week, or ever, I'm definitely going to have to go to it!

  3. I want to see this movie now! Have you considered majoring in journalism? haha Structure-wise I really enjoyed how you discussed the color contrast. It was something that I noticed in "12" as well. I think that color contrast is more prevalent in foreign films than in American films.

  4. Great analysis! I especially loved that you said, "or even "lol" funny, as the youngsters say." I can honestly admit that I laughed out loud when I read that sentence! Ha! You did a great job of pulling out aspects of the film that "mean" something. Great job!

  5. The points you brought out in your paper were good insights to what the movie was trying to get across. I also liked how much you analyzed all your points. My thirst for knowledge of your topics was sated.
