Monday, September 20, 2010

Shall We Dance?

I'm a huge fan of dance, so every time I watch a dance performance, I'm amazed by the talent and enthusiasm of the dancers. World of Dance was just as wonderful as expected.

I was disappointed by the first ballet number because I felt like it did not display the strength, agility, and finesse that ballet requires, but I felt like the other ballet numbers more than made up for the lacking first number.

I didn't really like the contemporary dances because I didn't understand the stories they were trying to tell. What were the chairs for in Barefootin'? Were the performers in All in a Day in a hunter-gatherer society? The contemporary dances just didn't click for me.

I was thoroughly impressed by the international dances. I really enjoyed the first dance because I felt like I knew how much work they had put into it. All the bells and stomping and clicking were perfectly in time, and I know ow hard it is to get a group of people to do the same thing at the same time – I was in marching band, and we had to try to make 150 people step out at the same time – it's almost impossible. So I really commend them on the great job they did staying in time with each other and the amount of stamina they must have had to keep dancing that fast for that long. The second dance was fast and furious – those girls' feet were moving most of the time in a tight little step. The two straight lines make it harder to get the performance visually clean, but they did a fabulous job.

My favorite dances were the ballroom numbers. I thought their costumes, music, and choreography were all fantastic. I thought it was interesting that the ballroom numbers were consistently the most well received by the crowd, while the other types of dances had their ups and downs.

Watching World of Dance made me want to learn to waltz and foxtrot so it's a good thing I finally get the chance in my social dance class this semester!


  1. I was a bit confused by the contemporary dances too. That's how it's always been with me, though. They're usually pretty cool to watch, but I don't want to take the effort to try and understand what it's really about, because half of the time I'm wrong anyways! I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like that.

  2. I like how honest and descriptive you are with your analysis of the dances. You don't just say that they were bad. Instead, you explain what you didn't like.
