Monday, September 13, 2010

Don't burn it. Learn about it! Qur'an Reading Day 9/11 (Yes, it’s 9/13, do it anyway!)

Bored, and procrastinating my homework, I often find myself on Facebook. Usually, I find myself “liking” funny groups or statuses; however, this September 11th, I found myself attending a Facebook event much more profound than “National Be a Creeper Day”. In response to the growing anti-Muslim sentiment in our nation, Deryle Hatch created Don't burn it. Learn about it! Qur'an Reading Day 9/11 encouraging everyone to read the Qur'an (or at least part of it).

I had learned about the basics of the Islam in basic history classes in middle and high school; but never read any of the Qur'an. To be perfectly honest, I felt very awkward doing so! After all, the Qur'an is not my religious text. However, after doing so, I felt that I had done a small something to build world wide understanding and increase my own knowledge of Islam. The best part, was that after I had read a few chapters I posted a simple response remarking on the poetic style of the Qur’an. Immediately, I got three separate responses, each of them around two paragraphs, about why the Qur’an was so poetic and what it was like to read it in Arabic!

I encourage everyone to read (or at least learn about) a small part of the Quran. That way, you, and everyone else who chooses to participate can strengthen their own understanding of Islam, and consequently your empathy towards all faiths. It’s very easy to say that we’re religiously tolerant and that “Hey, Islam’s a nice peaceful religion”. It takes more effort to seek this information out for ourselves.

Not too much though! Here's a link if you're interested: Don't burn it. Learn about it! Qur'an Reading Day 9/11


  1. This is a really good idea especially in the midst of all the controversy dealing with the Qur'an. I think I'll take a look!

  2. Nice! This was very persuasive, I think in part because we're all at least slightly curious about religions different from our own. Posting the link was a great idea too, because it allows the reader to take action immediately.

  3. Very valid and I enjoyed your POV. Pertinent to the times

  4. I wholeheartedly agree with this. You go, girl! I'm looking forward to reading the Qur'an for my Civilization class. Your tone was really great for what you were trying to accomplish, too.

  5. Wonderful post. I love this kind of response to the crazy world out there. I love how you brought up tolerance and love for everyone, despite their background. The world is missing that. Thanks.

  6. Good writing, good post! Just think about how you'd get this to an audience...a note on your Facebook page perhaps? An email to family/friends? Just specify in your reflection how you got this to your audience, and you'll be good to go.
