Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Newfound Appreciation

Right after I had walked into the De Jong Concert Hall on Friday night and got settled into my seat, a prayer was said that the dancers would be able to portray the message through their dancing that they intended to portray. Given my lack of background in dance, I’m not sure if I fully understood the message, but I was thoroughly impressed nevertheless! Other than watching So You Think You Can Dance on TV, I had never been exposed to the art of dance. I always thought that it was kind of overrated, and that everyone could get up on a stage and move their feet and arms. I was mistaken.

From the second the International Folk Dance Ensemble took the stage, I was in awe. Their precision and accuracy was dead-on and their form was mesmerizing. I could not believe how well each dancer coordinated with the dancer next to him. Even during the fast paced parts of the song, each arm and leg would rise and fall with the same abrupt movements.

My attention was held throughout the next several songs and after watching a Romanian dance, ballet number, and contemporary piece, I began to realize how much variety there is in dance. There is so much creativity involved. You can dance to a slow, heartfelt piece, or jump around in bright colored costumes to a song by Gladys Knight. You can dance to a song that didn’t originate in our country, or as demonstrates in the Wheelenese Waltz, you can even dance with a scooter!

After viewing all fourteen numbers, I sat in my seat and decided that the money in my budget I have set aside for entertainment very well might be used to attend dance concerts in the future. I am glad that the first dance performance I was able to attend was World of Dance so I could get a feel for the variety of different dance forms there are.


  1. Great review! I loved how you touched on many parts of the program and used that to identify your overall impression, which was positive. Good job!

  2. I too think that some of my entertainment budget will definitely have to go to attending BYU dance performances. Watch out for some places where you need commas before conjunctions. Great job!

  3. I was also astonished at the timing the dancers had. It means hours and hours of practice. I like the descriptive language you use, as it portrays how you felt while watching.

  4. I feel very much the same regarding my entertainment money! Like you my only experience with watching dance was from T.V. and I had some preconceptions about the way it was going to turn out and the way that I was going to feel after it. Thankfully, my assumptions were wrong.
