Friday, September 10, 2010

To the Daily Universe

As I was reading the Daily Universe, I found it refreshing to see two articles on the front page about people who are making a positive difference. In a world where so much wickedness and evil are so prevalent, it’s easy to get bogged down by the bad. It brought a smile to my face that there is still a paper that reports the good that is all around us. I love that I attend a university that places importances on service. Thank you for honoring these people and organizations who deserve recognition.


  1. I agree. I also love to see stories of people helping others, no matter how small or insignificant. I know I enjoy the feeling of receiving help and it brings me joy to see others trying to make the world a better place. Nice!

  2. Amen. It's nice that the Daily Universe is able to focus on the good in the world instead of all the negativity around us.

  3. Normally I would think that your post was a bit short in wording, but you nailed it! Short, sweet, and to the point. Great job. I love when people give appreciation for good things. It shows that there's still some good in the world when all we tend to see is the bad. Thanks for your thoughts!

  4. Kind of ironically, the way that you have discussed this article and the way that it made you smile, has been interpreted by all of the above comments as well my comment in a similar manner. Thank you for the subtle encouragement to look for the good things in the world despite the confusion we encounter in many areas. What were these two articles that stood out to you?

  5. Do you think I should write a little more? I threw the paper out, but the article was about a huge community service project with thousands of volunteers meeting at LaVell Edwards Stadium and the other was about a BYU student who was raising money for his widowed relative with two young girls through a bike-a-thon.

  6. Nope, I actually wouldn't write anymore. Like Haley said, it was short and sweet and to the point. I love how BYU can focus on that positivity!

  7. I liked this. I think that for a publisher of a newspaper, this is exactly the feedback they want to hear. Well done. Oh, and I hope that it isn't just the Daily Universe that celebrates the good in the world. Maybe you are right, I should check out some other papers and see.

  8. I agree with the others... if you've gotten your point across, keep it short and sweet. Sometimes if there's something pretty short, it makes it easier for them to have space to publish it.

  9. Thanks for the feedback! Mark, I didn't mean to imply that the Daily Universe is the only paper that focuses on the good, but to me it seems like the news in general only has time to report on all that's going wrong.
