Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Persuasive E-mail Draft

Persuasive E-mail

Dear Mr. Roger Daily,

My name is Jacob Bagley, and I am writing you in response to the ridiculous article posted in today’s edition of “The Daily Universe”. The article in question is titled “Proposition 8: Time to admit the reasons”.

In this article, a young man gives his opinion as to why the Californian Supreme Court overruled the popular voting decision of Proposition 8; namely, that Gays and Lesbians do not have civil rights to marriage. The young man states that this was so because none of the “Mormons” who supported this proposition actually knew why this was other than that “the prophet told us to.”

I demand that you remove this stain upon your paper’s good name by retracting this article. It is as disgraceful as it is untrue. The very insinuation denies the power of personal revelation and the restored truths that many of us hold dear. Of course we know why we fight against homosexuality! The very existence of it makes a mock of the family, interfamilial love, and the idea that families can be together forever!

In light of these outrageous claims I demand that you print a counter article, or at the very least a retraction of said article on principle. The fact remains that we know who we are and what we are doing in this fight, and to insinuate that we as a church are ignorant of our own reasons is nigh unto insinuating that we do such things out of hate or fear.

Please bear all these things in mind,

Yours truly,

Jacob Bagley


  1. Cool topic! I really like your style, you strongly state what you want and use neat phrases such as "in light of" which make you, the author, sound intellectual and well read. You come across as very angry though! Keep in mind, that most people who support proposition 8 are not trying to mess up society; they're loving couples and their families who want to have the same rights and benefits as heterosexuals. Make sure that the reader knows your anger at the newspaper isn't hate for homosexuals. Obviously, the LDS church has a different view of marriage (aka, eternal and basic unit of society, rather than just a civil union), but maybe try and be more sensitive to others? The phrase "makes a mockery" is VERY strong! I would take maybe a sentence or two more and elaborate on why and how we're not just blindly following and talk about the importance of personal revelation in the church. Well written though, and sounds like a real person and not just an assignment for class!

  2. Wow, wow, wow!!! What a powerful message! You were very assertive and made your opinion known. There's absolutely no doubt about how you feel! I like how you backed up your argument with reasoning and explained things thoroughly. If this is a real concern, you should consider sending it! Very impressive. Way to go!

  3. This was a very interesting message to read. Every word in the third paragraph was relating your indignation of the article to the reader. Also, it was not just blatant attack. You talk through your arguments well. I also liked how at first you stated what was wrong, and then stated how he was to fix it. A very good article.

  4. Good topic choice! I also like the suggestion of printing a counter article and your firm stance on the suject.
