Wednesday, September 29, 2010

True Greatness

Society’s view of greatness is skewed. Individual’s are declared great because of how many times their names appear in the papers or of how many zeros are written on their paycheck. Instead of merit or morals, society bases greatness on the material things of life. Those who are truly great live their lives not on the front page but in the background. How can they who are so great not be known by the world? It is because greatness is not continuing to stand when those around you are applauding. Greatness is continuing to stand when those around you are falling.

To find true examples of greatness, we turn not to the tabloids, but to things of real value. We turn to the scriptures, to our church leaders, to our family history, and to our own lives. The scriptures are filled with individuals we proclaim to be great: Lehi, Nephi, Abinadi, Alma, Captain Moroni, King Benjamin, Mormon, Helaman, Ammon, and scores of others. Why were they great? Some may say it was because they experienced mighty miracles, prophesied of things to come, suffered the pains of death for the Lord, or were righteous warriors and leaders. While this is all true, these acts did not make them great. They make them strong and righteous, brave and true, but not great. They are great because they stood for what was right even when those around them did not. Lehi preached the gospel to the wicked people of Jerusalem even when they sought to take his life. Nephi was righteous amidst ridicule and attempted murder from his own brothers. Abinadi was burned to death because he refused to fall to temptation, and the list goes on.

While our church leaders today are not often asked to die for what is right, they are asked to live for what is right. They dedicate their lives to righteousness in a wicked world. If one opens their eyes, they will see that not only do prophets and apostles stand strong but so does the average person. Many people I consider great have never held prestige in the eyes of men. They just do little things that make a big difference. They hold open doors and always offer to help do dishes. They are great because they choose to be good people.

The world grows darker. There are temptations all around. Voices call out to join the ranks of those who cast all that is true and pure aside. They claim to offer greatness, to offer fame and success, but all they offer is a lie. Men seek for greatness. It is in our nature. Therefore, we must commit to seek after true greatness not the fallacies of the world. To be truly great we must commit to stand and never fall until the day that we fall at the feet of our Redeemer.


  1. I appreciate and hold with your religious opinions.

  2. I (like Jacob) really like your perspective on religious figures being great, and the key role that religion has in your determination of what is great.

  3. This is a cool way to look at greatness. I really liked the gospel examples usually not thought of when the word "great" is brought up secularly.
