Monday, September 13, 2010

Watch out. My mind may explode from overstimulation.

Posted as a Facebook note

I've been brainstorming and searching for something to write about for three days now. I get an idea, then I realize, "I don't know enough about it" or "I don't care enough and I will sound like an idiot." I've been to numerous newspaper web pages, searching for something that really catches my attention. Immigration, tax reform, health care--these are options, but I don't want to pull out my opinions when I'm not as informed as I could be. In my final attempts to come up with a topic, I've realized something. It all comes down to this: I'm ignorant. In this case, I'm using the definition of ignorant which means "lacking knowledge"( That's right, I'll admit it. But there is one thing I know: just because I'm not updated on every political issue, or I don't have an immediate view about every single action the government makes, or I don't sign protests or go to rallies doesn't mean I'm not worth something to my community.

I voted this past election and I have political views and I know what most of the current political issues are, but it's hard to stay updated on everything. The world is full of a multitude of places on which we can focus our attention. I look at myself and say, "I'm not doing enough". Does anyone else feel this way? I do want to care and make a difference, but some days life catches up to me and I realize I can't save the world.

Yes, I do think I should be more involved in my community and country. If we put our minds toward something, I really do believe we can make a difference. Overall, I've decided that I'm not going to pretend that I know what's going on. I believe most of us act like we do know what is going on, yet does anyone really know in the grand scheme of things? It should be enough that I'm happy with who I am, and hopefully that's everyone's goal. We can all make a difference in our day-to-day activities. I'll volunteer, I'll give blood, I'll serve in my church, I'll vote, I'll comfort others, maybe I'll even take in a stray (well, not in my dorm). I can make a difference and I have a purpose.


  1. I love this post! I feel like there are so many people out there who pretend they have a clue what they're talking about, when really they just happened to catch the tale end of the 10 o'clock news. Like you, I find myself frustrated that I'm not more up-to-date on worldwide and national issues. I like how you focus in on what we can do instead of just dwelling on the negatives. Great active voice in your writing! It feels like you're actually talking to us, instead of just writing! Fantastic title!

  2. Oh my gosh this is true!! I seriously feel the exact same way, and I'm sure most people do too. I'm so glad you brought this up!

  3. I like the positive approach you took. I also really try to focus on the smaller things that I can do. I believe that if you change one person for the better, you've changed the world, because you're changed their world. They can go affect someone else. It's the circle of life.

  4. This was so interesting, and all of the other articles I read were not really! Congratulations, please keep me amused, and I'll try and do the same for you.

  5. This article was pleasant to read and I agree with the fact that I often feel the same way. I think if everyone did these little things that you suggest then the big things would, for the most part, work themselves out. Great job.

  6. Woah, thanks guys! I definitely wasn't expecting this feedback. Can't say it didn't make me smile.

  7. One suggestion... most people you're friends with on Facebook probably don't have any idea that you've been given this assignment...they're going to be confused the first paragraph as to what you're talking about, and potentially give up reading. I recommend just giving a sentence or two of context at the very beginning to give your readers a sense of what you're talking about.

  8. Also, you don't necessarily have to frame it as an assignment... if you wanted, you could just give a sense that you decided to think and write about something related to community.

  9. Actually, I did post a 'pre-writing' explanation, I just didn't post it on the blog. I probably should have..
