Friday, September 10, 2010

Be Slow to Take Offence Civic/Community Writing

(this piece will be sent into the Daily Universe as a Letter to the Editor)

I am disappointed at the Daily Universe’s retraction of Cary Crall’s Prop-8 article. However, I am even more disappointed with those who found issue with it.

People seem to have one main issue with the article: they say it is offensive because it states that supporters of Prop-8 has no real reasons for their support other than because they had been instructed to by Church leadership.

I am confused. What, tell me, is wrong with doing something for no other reason than because the prophet told you do? Isn’t that what we are supposed to do? I would direct those who are offended to a talk given by President Ezra Taft Benson, called “Fourteen Fundamentals in Following the Prophet”. One of his points is that the prophet will never lead you astray. True, Prop-8 failed and true, all the reasons for its support may have been invalid, but those who supported it followed the prophet and they were not led astray.

I understand it is difficult for humanity to admit they were simply blindly following the leader, but there is no other person on Earth today who I would rather blindly follow than our prophet.

Crall’s editorial “admitted” that the only reason Mormons supported Prop-8 was to support our standard of morality, but that is absolutely okay! True, that is not enough for the legal system to justify it, but isn’t it enough for us? We fought the good fight, and though we lost, we were still able to stand for our beliefs.

In general, people should be slower to take offence. What good does it do? In the long run, it is better to choose to not feel slighted, no matter the issue.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love how you make the point that we, as members of the Church, don't have to have reasons to act other than the fact that the Prophet instructs us. People can say what they want, but most of us know what we're doing!

  3. I really enjoyed the spin that you put on reaction to this article. I never really evaluated it from this position, but I find it appealing and definitely applicable. There is very little positive impact in taking offense over many issues like this one. But, just a question to consider, at what point should we take offense and/or action?

  4. This is a good point. I like your argument a lot. I too think that following the prophet is a good enough reason in itself to take a certain view on an issue. Shouldn't religion be the very bases for everything we do? It is the reason we are here, and it explains why we are here and where we are going. Good Argument

  5. Like everyone else has said, this is a unique view and very true! I think the main issue people have is that they don't want to be defined as ignorant followers with no self determination. Obviously, this is untrue, and as long as we have a personal testimony we do have adequate reason to follow the Prophet's counsel.

  6. Fantastic! I completely agree. I like how you tie in a prophetic quote to support your argument.

  7. Nice response to something that occurred in the Daily Universe--it becomes a useful way to enter the conversation.
