Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Be not afraid of greatness

"Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." William Shakespeare wrote this. But do you know where I really got this quote? The great movie She's The Man. Yep. I just finished watching it about ten minutes ago. Was it great? Yes. Sleep is great also. But I must post something on this great blog first.
My point is, so many things can be great. Where does the line of greatness begin? This night was great, my family is great,the hot cocoa I just drank was great, God is great, and my biology test yesterday was not so great. It's such a generic word. How can something so overused have any meaning anymore?
In reference to Shakespeare, are people 'born great' or 'have greatness thrust upon them'? I don't believe so. Greatness is not innate and it is not something simply handed to someone. Greatness needs to be reached through effort. It requires much thought also, because many people who achieve greatness in one area, fail in another. Many star athletes achieve greatness in their sport yet many are terrible people. Many artists achieved greatness in their paintings or sculptures, yet suffer from depression. Many celebrities claim greatness, yet have not one single friend. To me, only one person has truly achieved pure greatness.
On the 1-10 scale of greatness, Christ must be at 100, at least. Christ was completely selfless, he rejected no one, he obeyed every commandment, and he died and suffered so that every human being could be resurrected. He saw himself as equal with others. He never uttered a single complaint. How could someone as great as Jesus Christ not let that kind of greatness go to his head? That, to me, is true greatness.


  1. Love it! The sarcasm throughout most of this was great. Along with the sarcasm, however, you also brought in a spiritual aspect. I never thought that could be done within such a small context! I also love She's the Man. It's great! Way to go!

  2. Goood movie :) I like in the third paragraph how you give examples of "great" people who really aren't that great. It shows that fame isn't all it's cracked up to be... there are many forms of greatness.

  3. I love how you told us what everyone was thinking as they wrote this at midnight or so (at least that was what I was thinking).

    Thank you for not boring me!

  4. Yeah-definitely, Capella. There are many forms greatness can take.

  5. I like how you stressed that it is most important to be great all around, not just in one area and fail in others.
