Wednesday, September 8, 2010

On Campus Housing Utility Problems (Email Rough Draft)

I am writing this email as a result of a number of problems residents of Heritage Hall have been having concerning utilities, and communication about them. After receiving a recent message reporting that Heritage will have no hot water on Thursday, it has come to my attention that we have had no hot water since as early as Tuesday. Similarly, after our cable has been out for nearly 4 days, I was notified, just today, of a possible cable outage that should continue until late Thursday.
As a payed resident of Heritage Hall, I would appreciate anything you could do to possibly change your hours of maintenance on these utilities. It becomes a big nuisance for students to have to wake up early and take a cold shower because the hot water is out during the week rather than on the weekend. Similarly, cable maintenance could be done during a holiday, while people are gone, to insure that we can maximize our enjoyment while staying on campus.
Lastly, at the very least, we would appreciate notification before these changes happen. Residents such as I, would have a lot easier time accommodating for future changes, rather than adjusting to strange utility behavior without notification. Thanks for any help I can receive on this issue. The residents of Heritage Hall would appreciate it greatly.

Ben Hopkins


  1. Nice! Way to be assertive. I have a couple suggestions for you: watch grammar, tense, and punctuation. You should send this once you've cleaned it up a bit. Make your voice heard and delegate some change! We deserve it since, after all, we are paying to live here. Good work.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should definitely send this in when you are finished with it.

  4. Good writing, this is a relevant topic that relates to all of us, and is undoubtedly a good subject to write on. Your writing flows well and is fun and easy to read. Nice job! Although we might want to keep in mind that they're just trying to help us out. I'm sorry for any previous rudeness in my comments, they were completely ungrounded and unnecessary. I hope that this can find it in your heart to forgive me. I'm sorry!

  5. Reasons are all true and Heaven knows its a valid claim. Only thing I suggest you change is in your second paragraph, change "paid" to "paying" so you don't imply that you are being paid to live there.

  6. Thanks for the tips, I will make sure and double check my verb tense before sending this in.

  7. I like how you kept the message respectful but you still got your message across.
