Monday, September 13, 2010

Declaration of Independence

(To the Editor of the Daily Herald)

Recently there was a post on the Daily Herald website giving insight as to why BYU football went independent. I thought it presented the reasons why they decided to go independent and why the rest of BYU athletics went to the WCC.

First off, why did BYU go independent? The article does not really specify. This article focuses on why it went to WCC. I enjoyed how well it explained how a deal with the WAC fell through. The Mountain West Conference basically raided the WAC for teams, causing the deal to fall through. The WAC lost a lot of credibility when the MWC accepted the teams it did. As the deadline was coming up, BYU had to choose fast. The article does a great job of explaining this.

The article also provides information on why the rest of the BYU teams went to the West Coast Conference. After the WAC deal fell through, the WCC was able to put a deal into effect in a short amount of time. The article explains that the WCC has many powerful programs in all areas, especially basketball. I believe this was a good move, as the WAC and the MWC had little credibility in these areas. The move will allow BYU to ‘increase exposure’ to the NCAA world of fans.

Probably the biggest plus of the independent move is the ability of BYU to now schedule any opponents it wants. This means bigger programs coming to play, and that means more exposure, more advertising, and more money for BYU athletics.

I thought this article as very informative and provided insight into the minds of the decisions makers. I hope that more articles are to follow these ones.


Spencer Tolson


  1. I liked this post, and, I too am very interested in this topic. However, I'm not really sure what point you are trying to make with this article. If this is a letter to the editor then you don't need to summarize the article to this person - they should know all about it. I think in order to write a letter to the editor, you must have some sort of point to argue rather than just summarize an article in their own newspaper.

  2. Good job responding to something in the newspaper--that often increases your chances of publication.

    The first time you mention the article, I'd reference it specifically--give its title and what day it was published in the newspaper.

    I think you have your opinion there...but people are less likely to keep reading if, as Mark said, it feels like you're just summarizing someone else's. I'd pull back a little on references to the article, and let your reasons why this seems to be a good thing (which I think are there) shine through as your reasons. I think just some minor phrase tweaking would do it.
