Monday, October 18, 2010

Picturing the Crisis

The rhetoric used in "Picturing the Crisis" was very interesting. The author, Paul Reyes, tried to show the horrible nightmare of foreclosure as being a beautiful aspect of art. His targeted audience: American citizens, particularly the "lower-class" who are experiencing economic hardships as a result of the recession. Not only does he target those who are struggling, but he involves all of America. He brings up events that effected us all: the Depression and Stock Market crash, the 9/11, Hurricane Katrina. Each are major emotional triggers for us because they bring up the painful memories that were attached to those times. The author is using those emotions to emphasize his rhetoric. Tying emotions into anything creates a powerful effect. Thus so, he relates the hardships to foreclosure, and then connects them with art.

Since the New York Times is a relatively prestigious and well-known newspaper, the targeted audience is adults who will understand what a foreclosure is and how it is caused. It's a source for those who want to stay informed about what's happening in our nation.


  1. I also did a paper on this. It is amazing how those tragedies can appeal to human nature like that.

  2. The use of emotional triggers really does draw other readers in, making them want to read more. Good idea

  3. I'm glad you guys both see my point of view!
