Monday, October 18, 2010


The Church's audience for the response to the outcry from President Packer's message is the Gay Community in general, but also any who would criticize or call out the Church for following the commandments and dictates that we have. I personally find it appalling that so many people are offended that President Packer gave an address in line with our standards at our General Meeting in Our meeting house to our people. What happened to freedom of speech? He has a right to have beliefs opinions, and to teach the people of the church for which he holds the calling of President of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles those ideals. The response was very kind given these feelings of mine, very polished, and emphasized our idea of love for everyone along with our inability to condone immorality or homosexuality.


  1. If we're going to mention freedom of speech, the protestors also have freedom of speech and have their right to protest just as much as President Packer had the right to make his speech.

  2. I like how you used the same word used in parallel structure to emphasize your point.

  3. I agree with Emily! The whole situation seems a little hypocritical. Way to hit on each of your points Jacob. I agree with you. I liked the word choice you used in your post. The italics also added emphasis. Good job!
