Monday, October 18, 2010

Beauty is More than Skin Deep.

Dove is launching a “campaign for real beauty” to help women of all ages improve their self esteem. It’s an interesting rhetorical situation: Dove is a company that sells soap, body wash, shampoo, lotion - all products to improve our outward appearance. They’re trying to sell these products but at the same time, telling women that beauty is more than skin deep. It’s similar to Crayola’s green movement to plant as many trees as were destroyed in the production of their products. Though getting advice about inward beauty from Dove may seem a bit contradictory, in a strange way, it validates their statement. If they who sell their products which enhance our outward beauty teach us that it is what’s on the inside that really counts, then it must be true! As they target females of all ages, from grown women to 13 year old girls, their message is sincere: beauty is more than skin deep.


  1. Good analysis, but by encouraging outward beauty are they taking away from the importance of inward beauty?

  2. That is a good point; I'll address that differently in the paper. Thanks!

  3. I liked your point! It was great how you related this situation to Crayola and the green movement. It's funny when companies launch a "movement" but have those hidden things that seem hypocritical when they come into the light. Great analysis!
