Monday, October 25, 2010

The Other Side

The Church recently made an official statement on the controversial talk by President Boyd K. Packer where he said, now famously, "why would God do that to anyone?" The statement was cool, reasonable, and had a strong emphasis on the fact that we have love for everyone, but cannot accept homosexuality in any form.
Recent events have critically damaged much of what we as a church stand for; our inability to accept what is "new" has pegged us as old fashioned and outdated. What we stand for is the family, the happy home with loving parents who rear children. Homosexuality makes this impossible, and President Packer's controversial statement about our inability to accept it has once again made waves in the national arena. Almost immediately after it aired gay rights activists were demanding a retraction and proclaiming it as incorrect and false. The response to this then, was a statement of our beliefs and our steadfastness in our love of everyone; as well as our denial of homosexuality as a lifestyle.

. This is a very pertinent and “Hot Button” issue for many people in this day and age. I do not wish to offend anyone, but our Church, and the Church of Christ has always been against Homosexuality in all forms, and it will remain so because: 1. It mocks the plan our Heavenly Father has for us here on Earth, to learn of him, to become married to a member of the opposite sex for the purpose of creating children. 2. This life style is not conducive to the happiness of another person but is based upon selfish lusts and desires.

I know that these statements have the potential to be very offensive, but I want to say that we as a church do not judge or discriminate against these people either. As stated in Agency, we believe all men have a choice to live as they desire. We love these people and pray for their return to righteousness, and we befriend them and serve them as we can. I believe people of different views can disagree and still be friends; this is the foundation of our government in America, our melting pot. While I stand absolutely behind every word in this pamphlet, I would never judge another person as “wicked” or “evil”. Judgment is reserved for those who have committed no sin, and I have committed sin, so therefore I cannot judge. I believe that it stems from pornography, which is the greatest evil of our age. I fight against pornography in all forms for the degradation and total abuse of these beautiful children of God used in such despicable and evil ways for the monetary gain of another.

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